Monday, March 12, 2012


Woodenbong is a quiet little town approximately two hours drive south of Brisbane , just inside the NSW border. Well, it’s usually quiet, but sometimes Woodenbong digs through its wardrobe and pulls on its old party frock to show locals and visitors a good day out.

Yes, Woodenbong Show is on again. After being cancelled by the weather last year, Sunday 29 April 2012 will be bigger and better than ever.

The show gets started on Saturday night, 28 April, at 6pm with a BBQ tea and entertainment for all the family. The bar will be operating.

Then on Sunday morning the ring events start bright and early at 8am. This is a two-ring program and there are some new sections making an appearance. The local Border Rangers Pony Club will be doing a march past during the opening. Cattle judging starts at 10am.

Entertainment for young ones is on during the morning, with pet shows, novelty events and the animal nursery. During the morning there will be entertainment by two local dance groups, followed by a competition for all children from 0 to 12 years: as this is the Year Of The Farmer everyone in this age group is invited to come along dressed as anything to do with farmers or farming. These will be judged and the winners announced during the formal opening of the show at 1pm.

The Pavilion will be open after judging at approximately 10:30am with all the local produce, cakes, jams and handicrafts.

There will be a demonstration of chainsaw skills.

There will be a ute show so polish up those utes and come along.

A new event on the program is the Woodenbong Hotel Iron Man Competition, which will be run after the sporting events. If you fancy yourself good at farm work come along and compete against the clock. This should be fun, with a $5 entry fee and $100 winner-takes-all prize money up for grabs.

The Championship Dog Show is on again. Come along and watch the dogs going through their paces.

There will be an all day BBQ, Devonshire teas, tea, coffee, cold drinks, and the bar will be operating.

There’s something for the whole family to enjoy - catch up with folks you haven’t seen for a while: just a good old family day!

Come along and make it a weekend in this pretty little village as the Yowie Country Markets are run on Saturday, or just spend time admiring our beautiful scenery. There are a range of accommodation options:

- Woodenbong Hotel: 02 6635 1275

- Dairy Flat Farmstay (approximately 15km from Woodenbong): 07 5539 5923

- Crown Hotel Urbenville (approximately 13km from Woodenbong): 02 6634 1213

- Mt Clunie Cabins (“ten and a bit kilometres from Woodenbong”): 07 4666 5118

- Woodenbong Camping Ground: 02 6635 1300

If you wanted to stay somewhere a little more... populated... Kyogle is a mere 45-minute drive from Woodenbong, with plenty more accommodation options.

Please note, non-Telstra mobiles do not work in the area.

If you have any questions please note them in the comments section.

Hope to see you all there. Come and say hello to me ;-) if you can find me!


Manky said...

Great Post.

Iron Man Competition ? In the middle of the Country ? What could they do ? Tell us more !

Anna said...

Hahaha, very well. Final details still being ironed out, but elements of farm life will make up the competition, like loading hay bales, driving pickets into the ground... probably difficult for city slickers to complete, although I wouldn't mind seeing some try!